
worship service - sunday's @ 9:30 a.m.; Bible study - Tuesday's @ 7:00 p.m.


Refuge Church Ministries II

"We Can Do Hard Things!"

2023 promises to bring excitement, change, and many other bountiful blessings for the church of God and its community. Join us as we celebrate a new year of hope, love, praise, and worship. Every event in the life of our church is intended to honor God and to give Him glory!

As we review the year and our accomplishments in God, we invite you to take a look at our gallery of events.

Click the button below each title and celebrate all God has done in the life of RCMII

RCMII's 2023 Theme

  Hard Things

Inaugural Ordination

  Rev. Juanetta S.

Happy Birthday

  Sis. Sylvia's Day

Jersey Sunday

  Sports Teams

FFTCM Women's Conference

  Preach The Word

Men's Season '23 Conference

  Men's Conference

Ministerial Licensing for Sis. Karen

  Min. Karen H.

Pastor's Appreciation Sunday

  Blessing Leaders

Thanksgiving Outreach


McCleary Foundation Christmas Project


A Jazzy Gospel Celebration

  All That Jazz!

New Year's Eve Luncheon

  Closing 2023