Online giving


worship service - sunday's @ 9:30 a.m.; Bible study - Tuesday's @ 7:00 p.m.

Giving Options

We thank and give praise to each of you for your generous giving. Your gifts help us to reach out to the community to help make life better for those who are struggling in some form or fashion. They also help to keep our ministry afloat and moving forward. 

Many have felt the impact of the pandemic that has changed lives forever. The resources that have come our way during this unprecedented time have been more than amazing to us and we are grateful.  We see God’s hand in it, and it makes us want to be better for His kingdom as we grow. That is why our theme for 2023 is We Can Do Hard Things”.

As new creatures, we are forever changed and we realize that with God, we can do hard things!

Thank you for your tithes, offerings, and gifts to the ministry.

May you feel the power of God in every area of your life.

1. Online Giving (PayPal)

2. Mail Payments To

Refuge Church Ministries II

7229 Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard

Glen Burnie, MD 21061

3. RCM II App